Ghoultown Ghoultown - Legend Of Everett Sykes

In the flatlands of texas where the dust swirls like devils
There's a town with a curse where the river runs dry
They call it hallow's end on a faded map
And that's where it all began

They say he was a soldier turned preacher in a storm
The wind and rain beat down while anger took its form
At the back of the house where the fields grew of corn
They say he killed his sister whose son was stillborn

Listen to the rattle that comes with the night
When you see the shadows fading you better pray for the light
Listen to the crackle when the flames burn too long
Everything you covet has a heavy price
So says the legend of everett sykes

To cleanse himself of sin he turned to brimstone and fire
A confederate of angels overcome with desire
And people that knew him said that when he spoke of hell
You could almost see a sickening light inside his mortal shell

Even his wife he burned in the living flesh
Cuz a witches' tongue can rattle with things best left dead

So every night he prayed at a black and bottomless hole
Where lucifer was cast on his one way trip below
Paying a penance for the things that he'd done
Cuz down the hole he cast the severed head of his own son